This section of A Study in Scarlet are much more interesting than the first section of part 2, at least I thought so.
Anyways, here are some questions I thought of while reading:
1.) In chapter 5, Hope starts to believe that they have escaped the reach of the "terrible organization whose enmity they had incurred", but he seems to be a trained hunter, shouldn't he know better than to get his hopes up? And then, he goes and gets lost trying to find food when it says that he knew the path well, shouldn't he have known better than to wander into unknown territory so far from camp?
2.) Later in chapter 5, it says that Hope saved up enough money to keep himself alive before following Drebber and Strangerson to Europe; how then was he able to buy so many plane tickets to keep up with them as they traveled around Europe?
3.) I know I'm not passage person, but since Claire didn't include this quote and I feel that it's significant, I don't feel bad about using it; how do you feel about what Sherlock says in chapter 7 "What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is, what can you make people believe that you have done?"
4.) The last 2 chapters are spent explaining the crime, and how Holmes deduced it, i was just wondering if you had figured out any of it before they were revealed throughout the story, though i expect the answer will be yes since both of you have already read this story, and seen the BBC version.
(I realize its not the right episode, but I saw this gif and loved it cause the words are from Doctor Who, and in this section, Watson is once again marveling at Holmes's deductive skills)
My computer just deleted the long analysis/answer to your questions I was writing in the comment form, so here is a brief version of what I intended to say:
ReplyDelete1) Hope was probably distracted by his love for Lucy. Ever heard the phrase "blinded by love"? Hope is no exception.
2) *facepalm* Jarod, they used steam engine boats to cross the Atlantic, not commercial planes, and as for getting across Europe, hitch hiking, getting rides from connections, and 3rd class train tickets aren't bad options.
3) Way to throw me under the bus Jarod. The quote is unfortunately true IF you aren't religious and don't believe in an afterlife of any kind (if you do, then you believe that your actions have consequences with your God (or gods if that is as you so chose) and so are more than just what others believe of you) HOWEVER if you aren't religious, then all you care about (this is gonna be a huge assumption, forgive me) is climbing the social ladder, so obviously, what others think of you and what they believe you did is more important (Example GATSBY. He made people believe he was an Oxford man named Jay Gatsby, who was rich, inherited, etc, you get the rest. :) (did you like that Mrs. Baker? I brought Gatsby into Sherlock Holmes!)
4) Yes, I've read the book, so obviously I knew what was going to happen. If I hadn't read it, I probably could've guessed motive (with men, it most often is women, money, or political/social power, especially in the Victorian era), but I wouldn't have gotten so far as to an American, especially not Hope.
Oh and also, with #2, he said he worked odd jobs to raise money (he was a cabbie when we found him, so, there's an example......)
Delete1) Sometimes people don't really think straight in situations like Hope's. Things get out of control REALLY fast and I'm sure he wasn't all there.
ReplyDelete2) As Claire said, it's not planes. It isn't planes. There are a bunch of ways to travel and in his economy, it wasn't all that hard to, actually, travel. Not to mention Doyle was never known for his continuity.
3) You get benefits from what people believe you've done. It doesn't matter if there's nothing there: if someone thinks it, it's real.
4) Yeps.
(P.S. Sorry, this is WAY late, but I'm working on filling in the gaps)