
Monday, 24 February 2014

The Adventure of Connecting-- A Study in Scarlet, Chapters 1-5 Week 3

By Jarod
In A Study in Scarlet, Watson becomes a very relatable character almost immediately in the story. Someone left to his own devices on his pension, just trying to keep his life as least monotonous as possible. Doyle smartly makes Watson's situation less than desirable, and as he only as his pension to live on, not be able to work with his disability, he finds himself running out of money, and looking to get a roommate to save money on housing, as many people just older than ourselves are forced to do in order to scrape by. Also, with nothing else to entertain himself with, Watson decides to investigate Holmes, wanting to know more about his mysterious roommate. Watson acts as any man would in his situation, trying to slyly inquire into Holmes' field of study as he marvels at Holmes' extraordinary deductive skills.

Holmes also becomes a relatable Character in the story, as he attempts to humbly shrug off Watson's awe of his observations, as any person with extreme talent would, yet still smiles and feels good about himself when Watson is awestruck when he explains his seemingly random theories about the case.

Gregson and Lestrade also have a little competition with each other to out-solve the other, as many workers have with their coworkers, which encourages them to be pushed and find answers as soon as possible. This is shown by the passage "The little man's [Lestrade's] eyes sparkled as he spoke, and he was evidently in a state of suppressed exultation at having scored a point against his colleague." They also are both trying to impress Holmes, though they wouldn't admit it, as students try to impress their teacher when they say with such conviction what they believe the answer to be, though this makes Holmes simply see them as idiots.


  1. I agree, Watson's position is relatable, minus the part about going to the war and getting wounded. Let's hope none of that happens to any of us.

    Ha! Humble... :D Holmes isn't really humble. After he realizes how shocked Watson is, the humbleness begins to fade and he's not so humble anymore. Remember, he's a drama queen!

    Ah, the petty fight between Gregson and Lestrade. (I would like to point out here that in BBC Sherlock, Lestrade's first name is Greg, and there is no "Gregson", so he basically embodies both detectives in one character. Yay for Moffat and Gatiss [I hope I can say that again sometime])

    Finally, while I enjoyed the funny gif, I fail to see how it connects to what he read. Just a suggestion--include gifs and pictures that relate the show to the books, specifically what we just read. But hey, I really enjoyed the gif, so thumbs up on that one!

  2. The thing about Holmes is that he not only wants to impress, but wants to be impressed. That's probably what really drew him to Watson- Watson appreciated Holmes' skill but wouldn't take his cheek, and had enough skill of his own to hold his ground in Holmes' life. They work together well, each with his own skills and abilities and each ridiculously stubborn. -Katie
